Saint Francisco De Assis

 ¿Qué ver en Saint francisco de assis, Praia do forte?

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Saint Francis of Assisi Church is located in Praia do Forte, Brazil. The church is open daily from 8am to 5pm and admission is free. Unfortunately, there is no official website available for the church.

In the surrounding area, there are many attractions to see. The Tamar Project, which is a sea turtle preservation program, is located nearby and is open daily from 9am to 5pm. The Garcia D'Ávila Castle, a historic fortification, is also located in Praia do Forte and is open daily from 8am to 5pm. Additionally, visitors can explore the Sapiranga Reserve, which is a protected area with hiking trails and a waterfall. The reserve is open daily from 8am to 5pm.

Prices for the attractions in the area vary, but admission to the Saint Francis of Assisi Church is free. Visitors can check the official websites of the Tamar Project and the Garcia D'Ávila Castle for current admission prices.

Overall, Praia do Forte offers a variety of attractions for visitors to enjoy, from historic landmarks to natural reserves.

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